その影響として各国の在モスクワ大使館が撤退しているといわれている。試しにそのひとつといわれるカナダ大使館のウェブページを見てみると、こんなimportant noticeが掲示されている。
The forest fires taking place in Russia have caused a drastic deterioration of the air quality in Moscow. As a result, the Canadian Embassy in Moscow is proceeding to a partial temporary relocation of non-essential personnel. During this time, it is expected that full consular services will continue to be provided to Canadians in distress, while there will be reductions in other services, including the trade, political, and immgration sections. There may be a delay in responding to routine inquiries and service standards may be affected.
If you have questions about the management of this situation, please contact the Emergency Management Bureau through the Operations Officers at OpsOfficer@international.gc.ca or by phone 810-800-201-41012 (Toll-free)
「a drastic deterioration」というのはちょっと深刻な表現ではないだろうか。