ほぼ足りてまだ欲 その先




Q: As the Secretary-General is very well aware in the Northeastern area, regarding the territorial issues there is heightened tension going on right now. What do you think is most urgently needed? Regarding the context of the current conflict, could we hear your views?
SG: Regarding Northeast Asia, the three countries – China, Japan and the Republic of Korea –are important not only within Asia, in terms of their influence, economies and political stature in the international community, they are all very important respectively. The three Northeast Asian countries, in terms of economic advancement, science and technological innovation and development, you could say that they are at the centre of these advancements. All three of them are very important countries. In terms of how the countries view history and then other political reasons, and also war factors, there is mutual tension that is persisting. As Secretary-General of the UN, I find it to be regrettable,all of these challenges. I think it is up to the political leaders to be very frank with one another, so that based on a very accurate view of history, they can address this issue from a forward-looking perspective. Bilateral or multilateral forums can be available. History, of course, is very important in each of the countries. But I think the Northeast Asian leaders should look toward the future and look at not only the development of their respective countries, but development of the broader Asian area and broader global economy. What they can do for co-existence and better advancement of the global community is to have this broader kind of view, and the decisiveness of the political leaders is called for. Having the right view of history is key; only then you will be able to earn trust and respect from other countries. As Secretary-General of the UN, regarding issues between two different countries is a bilateral issue. I do not think it is desirable for me to be involved directly. As Secretary-General of the UN, I have always emphasized what I have just said to the global leaders.
Q: In connection to the previous question, the Japanese Government is making a move towards revising its constitution, to which Northeastern countries are expressing concerns.
SG: As I have just elaborated moments ago, it is about what kind of view and perspective you should have on history to make sure that we will be able to direct perspective and also maintain friendliness between the neighbours. Regarding this, I believe that the Japanese leaders should have great reflection, insight and vision to look forward.


  • 日本と韓国や中国との関係が歴史認識を巡って冷え込んでいることを問われ、「歴史認識の問題や政治的な理由のために緊張関係が続いていることを遺憾に思う」と懸念を表しました。そのうえでパン事務総長は「日本政府や政治指導者らは、とても深くみずからを省みて、国際的で未来志向のビジョンを持つことが必要だ」と述べ、日本側の姿勢に問題があるという考えを示しました。 NHK 8月26日 22時5分
  • 「日本の政治指導者らは深くみずからを省みる必要がある」菅「安倍内閣の立場は『地域の平和と安定のために首脳どうしが意見交換をすることが必要だ』というもので、安倍総理大臣は懸案があるなかでも対話を行っていくべきだと呼びかけている。今回の発言は、そうしたわが国の立場を認識したうえでのものかどうか、非常に疑問を感じている」NHK8月27日 12時32分
  • 「日本の政府指導者は謙虚さを持って、真摯(しんし)にこの問題に取り組むべきだと考える」。2013.8.30 03:11 [産経抄
  • パン事務総長は「私の発言は中立的なもので、日本のみについて指摘したものではない。日中韓3か国は、東アジアの平和と安定にとって重要な国であり、3か国の指導者は、過去に起こったことをしっかり理解して克服していくべきだという趣旨だ」NHK 8月29日 4時0分
  • 官房長官は記者会見で、国連のパン・ギムン事務総長が、歴史認識の問題を巡って「日本の政治指導者らは深くみずからを省みる必要がある」と発言したことについて、日本のみを指摘したものではないなどと釈明したことを受けて発言の真意が明らかになったとして、これ以上、問題視しない考え NHK8月29日 12時51分
